
Will a Facelift Change the Look of My Face?

February 3, 2021 L.A. Vinas
Will a Facelift Change the Look of My Face?

Your face is the first feature people notice about you. It’s what you see when you look in the mirror. Your face is the holder of your emotions. It’s what makes you distinctly you.

As you got older, you’ve probably noticed some unwanted changes in your appearance. Neck creases. Jowls. Sagging skin. Do you feel as if these signs of aging cloud your beauty?

For those who want a tighter, more youthful look, L.A. Vinas Plastic Surgery provides facelifts to patients in Florida. Read on to find out how a facelift gracefully turns back the clock.

Why it’s done

Do you ever wonder how a celebrity over the age of 45 has aged so well? Chances are they had a facelift.

The first facelift performed dates back to the early 1900s. While much has advanced since the first one was performed, the same goal remains — to remove excess fat and skin from the lower face and neck.

A facelift is a major surgery that drastically improves your cheek, neck, and jawline. Depending on the severity of your aging, additional treatments can be added like fat grafting or a neck lift for the most dramatic results.

Beautiful, natural results

While a facelift is considered an invasive surgery, it provides some of the most age-rewinding results possible. Having a sleeker, tighter visage can shave a decade off your appearance.

Yes, a facelift will change the look of your face but not the appearance of your unique features.

Your friends and family will notice you’ve done something to improve your look, but probably won’t be able to put their finger on exactly what. That’s because a facelift provides beautiful, natural results without making it obvious you had work done.

A facelift:

  • Removes sagging skin
  • Tightens jawline
  • Elevates lower cheek area
  • Lifts the corners of the mouth
  • Reduces creases in the lips and cheeks

Luis A. Vinas is known for his superior “V approach” to the facelift. This includes lifting your cheeks to the most desirable position while diminishing any lines and hollows.

What to expect

Deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery can be nerve-wracking and exciting. Since a facelift involves enhancing your most prominent and delicate features, it’s vital you go to a skilled professional. Dr. Vinas provides life-changing results and minimal recovery time for his patients.

But before undergoing any procedure, you must know exactly what’s involved. Facelifts are generally done in three steps:

1 Anesthesia

As we’ve mentioned, a facelift is a major surgery but anesthesia allows you to not experience it this way. Most of our patients remember counting backward as the anesthesia is administered and waking up when the surgery was completed, in what felt like moments later.

Anesthesia is very safe, poses few health risks, and has few side effects. Facelifts are performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you’ll go home after its completed. The anesthesia may make you groggy so you’ll need a family member or a friend drive you home.

2 Incision

Everyone ages differently. Depending on the severity of your aging, Dr. Vinas may suggest a traditional facelift, a limited incision, or a neck lift.

A traditional facelift places incisions around the hairline, which extends down to the back of your ears, and ends in your lower scalp. Dr. Vinas evens out the placement of fat and repositions facial tissues in a more desirable position. He also lifts the muscles and drapes your skin over the new placement, while removing excess skin.

If you have mild aging, Dr. Vinas can do a limited incision that goes just from the temple to the ear. For those with a great degree of sagging under the neck and chin, a neck lift is a good option. This involves making an incision from the front of the earlobe to behind the ear.

3 Closure

The last step in facelift surgery is to close off the incisions. Two kinds of sutures may be used; ones that dissolve or ones that need to be removed in a few days.

Once you’ve healed, the incision lines will be hidden in your hairline and the natural contours of your face so you’ll barely see them at all.

Return to work the next day

You might have put off undergoing a facelift because you couldn’t afford to take off work. While most facelifts take 2-4 weeks of recovery, Dr. Vinas’ innovative approach allows you to return to work the next day.

His minimally invasive surgical techniques involve less swelling and bruising than traditional facelift methods. This provides you will a more comfortable healing process while allowing you to get back to your everyday activities sooner.

Contact us today to refresh and rejuvenate your look with a facelift.

Call your dermatologist or contact us to request an appointment if you notice any of these signs.
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Dr. Luis A. Vinas

Dr. Luis A. Vinas opened the doors to L.A. Vinas M.D. Plastic Surgery, Med Spa and Skin Care Centers in 2009 to provide South Florida with the confidence that everyone deserves. His vision of a practice that offers exceptional beauty results through individual attention and comfort came to life in West Palm Beach. In order to expand his comprehensive skin care services, the doctor opened LA Vinas Plastic Surgery and Skin Cancer Center in Port St. Lucie.

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