
What’s Included in a Mommy Makeover?

August 2, 2021 L.A. Vinas
What’s Included in a Mommy Makeover?

One of the best days of your life was when your child was born. Meeting your little one for the first time can make the months of pregnancy incredibly worth it. But now that you’re finished having kids, you might wish your body looked like it did prepregnancy.

Muffin top. Sagging breasts. Flabby stomach. If you look in the mirror only to see these features staring back, just know you can do something about it.

L.A. Vinas Plastic Surgery, has helped mothers living in West Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie, Florida, get their hourglass shape back through a mommy makeover. Here’s everything you need to know.

How the body changes

The female body is beautiful and enduring. One of its most powerful capabilities is the ability to give birth.

During pregnancy, your estrogen levels increase as an effort to nourish your baby. Your breasts grow as you prepare milk for your child. Your abdomen stretches and changes, acting as a safe space for your growing baby.

After you’ve given birth, your body starts to recover from all the changes it has undergone, shedding the extra pounds. If you’re like most women, there are probably some areas of your body that changed after childbirth, and you’d do anything to get it back.

What’s involved?

A “mommy makeover” is a term to describe a series of procedures that aims to restore a woman’s body to how it looked before pregnancy — or even better. It is considered a major surgery and may involve one or more of the following procedures:

Breast lift

After you’re done breastfeeding, you might have noticed your breasts have become lower-sitting than you’d like. Do your nipples post downward?

A breast lift is a great option for those who want to get perkier sitting breasts for a more desirable bust. This is a great option for women who are happy with their breast size and want a natural and youthful chest appearance.

Breast augmentation

Most women dream of having larger breasts. During nursing your breast size increased, but once breastfeeding was over and done, your chest might have deflated or become lopsided.

Breast augmentation can permanently give you the larger chest you’ve always wanted. Luis Vinas, MD, uses a series of incisions before placing silicone or saline implants under the breast tissue. As one of the most popular surgeries in the United States, breast augmentation can help you get a larger cup size or correct asymmetrical breasts.

Tummy tuck

A tummy tuck can help you get a flat stomach like never before. During a tummy tuck, Dr. Vinas makes an incision along your bikini line and then pulls down on your skin and muscles for a sleeker look.

If abdominal tightening is needed, Dr. Vinas makes a second incision near your belly button, removing any loose skin and repairing your muscles.

Do you suffer urinary stress incontinence? Dr. Vinas can place a small area of tissue by your bladder to help alleviate this problem and regulate urine flow.


The labia minora is the delicate, hairless skin located in the inner labia. Sometimes after childbirth, this may become stretched out causing a flappy appearance. This may cause discomfort, and many women wish to correct this for cosmetic concerns.

Labiaplasty is the process of removing excess skin from the labia minora for added comfort and a more desirable appearance.

Fat injections

Using a fat injection, Dr. Vinas can help enhance the contours of your buttocks or breasts. This is a great option for women who don’t want to undergo major surgery, but want to get more shapely curves.

When to consider it

While some women aren’t bothered by the changes pregnancy may bring, many wish to improve their shape to amp up their sex appeal. Deciding to undergo a mommy makeover is a personal choice and should only be done for your liking.

A mommy makeover looks different for everyone, and it is important to understand that there is 2-3 month recovery time on average. Approximately the first two weeks will be spent on bed rest.

Although you’ll be up and moving after, you won’t be able to lift more than 25 pounds. During your recovery period, you will need someone to assist you as well as help with caring for your children.

You might consider a mommy makeover if:

  • You’re done having kids
  • You’re no more than 25 lbs over your goal weight
  • You can afford the recovery time
  • You have realistic expectations

A mommy makeover can provide dramatic and beautiful results. Many women find it’s the perfect confidence-booster they needed after having kids.

The only way to know if a mommy makeover is for you is by meeting with Dr. Vinas. Contact us to schedule your consultation.

Call your dermatologist or contact us to request an appointment if you notice any of these signs.
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Dr. Luis A. Vinas

Dr. Luis A. Vinas opened the doors to L.A. Vinas M.D. Plastic Surgery, Med Spa and Skin Care Centers in 2009 to provide South Florida with the confidence that everyone deserves. His vision of a practice that offers exceptional beauty results through individual attention and comfort came to life in West Palm Beach. In order to expand his comprehensive skin care services, the doctor opened LA Vinas Plastic Surgery and Skin Cancer Center in Port St. Lucie.

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