
What to Expect from the Liposuction Procedure

What is Liposuction?

What to Expect from the Liposuction Procedure

Do you have an area of your body that’s disproportionately thick or flabby? Have you found that diet and exercise aren’t enough to sculpt your figure to where you’d like it to be? L.A. Vinas M.D. Plastic Surgery, Med Spa & Skin Care Centers offers Liposuction to help with stubborn fat cells and deposits in order for you to achieve your desired outcome.


Consult with Our Staff

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a process that involves loosening and extracting stubborn fat from the body using small tubes. It is a form of body-contouring surgery that can help you accelerate your path to an athletic, enviable figure.

At L.A. Vinas, our staff performs liposuction on many different parts of the body, including the buttocks, thighs, legs, arms, back, hips, and abdominal area. Liposuction can also be used on the neck and around the face to regain a more youthful appearance. It can be done in one place, or many, depending on the look you are trying to achieve, and any trouble spots you have.

Our doctor’s specific liposuction techniques address stubborn fat deposits that resist your best efforts of diet and exercise. He has expertise in all modalities of “liposculpting,” including standard liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction, and laser or “smart” liposuction.

Some types of liposuction require less downtime and provide a faster recovery. Our staff can help you determine which type of liposuction is appropriate for your unique needs.

What to Expect

Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is a fast and convenient outpatient procedure that usually only requires a local anesthetic.

Our board certified staff makes small incisions to the treatment areas, through which small tubes are placed. These tubes are manipulated to help loosen fatty deposits, which then are suctioned out of your body. Stitches are used if necessary, however often times the incision is so small that they aren’t needed.

We never just get your procedure done and be sent on your way. Instead, you can expect to receive specific follow-up instructions to care for your body once you get home, and you meet with our doctor, Luis A. Vinas, MD, after a few days to monitor your progress and make any adjustments as needed.

Liposuction Procedure
Why Should I get Liposuction?

Consult with the Experts

Why Should I get Liposuction?

At the center of Luis A. Vinas, MD’s patient care philosophy is an individualized approach to liposuction. Each person who walks through the door has different needs and benefits from a specific, customized plan. Our staff offers an in-depth liposuction consultation, which includes an evaluation of fat distribution on your body, skin tone, lifestyle, patterns of activity, general health, and your expectations regarding the surgery.

It’s essential to note that liposuction is not a quick fix. If it’s integrated into a holistic pattern of patient care and lifestyle, however, the results can offer long-term value.

No matter what your needs, Luis A. Vinas, MD offers the liposuction procedure that will attain you the best results. To schedule a consultation today, book an appointment online with our one-click booking system.

*individual results may vary



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