Renuvion Skin Tightening

Available at L.A. Vinas

Renuvion Skin Tightening

Available at L.A. Vinas

Renuvion is a procedure that, unlike other plastic surgery options, is less invasive. Expected results include smoother looking skin and contouring of the neck and/or chin regions, thus presenting a more youthful appearance to these features.

During Renuvion sessions, the Renuvion wand is inserted directly under the skin to delivers a combo of radiofrequency energy and helium plasma. This helps to stimulate collagen production to the tissue that can help to reduce the loosening of this skin.

The Procedure

How Does Renuvion Work?

Renuvion delivers radiofrequency energy and/or helium plasma to reduce the appearance of loosened skin, specifically for regions of the neck. Aging happens to us all, but Renuvion helps to stimulate collagen fibers located under the skin. This allows for the increased production of collagen which can help to reduce unwanted aging signs like loosened skin cells.

Consult with the Experts

How Many Renuvion Treatments do I Need?

Patients can expect to only receive one Renuvion treatment. Results can be expected after the singular session as they are dramatic and even get better after time.

How Many Renuvion Treatments do I Need?

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The Recovery Process After Renuvion

Most patients get back to regular activity after Renuvion procedures. Common recovery side effects include mild bruising and some tenderness. But, some people don’t experience any discomfort at all during the recovery process.

Renuvion delivers radiofrequency energy and/or helium plasma to reduce the appearance of loosened skin, specifically for regions of the neck.



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