As we’ve discussed in the past, plastic surgery has become more and more accepted by men and women as time has continued. As the stigma of “having a little work done” has turned into a widely-used phrase, it has also become a widely accepted action. From Hollywood celebs who want to stay camera ready to Wall Street brokers who feel that looking younger and more awake helps gain their clients’ trust, plastic surgery is here to stay. And as new procedures that require less downtime become more popular, many are seeking their advantages to help boost careers.
Dr. Vinas has seen his fair share of individuals seeking assistance with those minor, easy to address fine lines and wrinkles – noting that many patients are in fact in public roles, meeting and greeting clients and crowds on a regular basis. But he has also seen an increase in patients whose careers don’t typically require good looks. Dr. Vinas explains, “It’s becoming apparent that individuals from the business world are looking to improve their physical appearance more often. Reasons typically vary, and range from job competition to client competition, social media and general interest in one’s appearance.”
Also, as we discussed in a previous blog, the prevalence of social media in all our lives has led to a slight increase in facelifts and other rejuvenating procedures. Whether the patient is an IT manager or news anchor, his or her face is present online more than ever before, giving the patient (and others) more opportunities to scrutinize their appearance and debate whether they wish to change any part of it.
And, as Dr. Vinas will always tell his patients, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve one’s appearance. As his goal is to help each patient feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, he is pleased to see that the perception of his profession is opening up toward wide acceptance. There is strong evidence that the rise in plastic surgery on TV and among high profile celebrities has made the public feel more accustomed to the trend.
If you are interested in seeing what L.A. Vinas Plastic Surgery & Med Spa can do for your personal confidence and resultantly career confidence, schedule a consultation today. Call us at 561.655.3305.
Dr. Luis A. Vinas opened the doors to L.A. Vinas M.D. Plastic Surgery, Med Spa and Skin Care Centers in 2009 to provide South Florida with the confidence that everyone deserves. His vision of a practice that offers exceptional beauty results through individual attention and comfort came to life in West Palm Beach. In order to expand his comprehensive skin care services, the doctor opened LA Vinas Plastic Surgery and Skin Cancer Center in Port St. Lucie.
580 Village Boulevard Suite 135,
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
10190 SW Village Pkwy Suite 106,
Port St. Lucie, FL 34987